
Hi, I’m Emma

As a child, my family called me the “house manager.” I found myself immersed in organizing projects, sorting through bags of trash and donations, and creating systems to keep our home in order. I believe I discovered my true calling at the age of 7.

Working with individuals from all walks of life fuels my passion for the world of organization. Each client I work with has a unique story, and I am grateful to be a part of their journey, sharing my expertise and enthusiasm for organization along the way.

For the past five years, I’ve been operating as a solo entrepreneur. I began my journey in New York City, navigating the bustling streets to build my business. Eventually, I packed only what could fit in the trunk of my car and made the leap to Austin, Texas. Before settling in Los Angeles, I liquidated all my possessions and embraced a minimalist lifestyle, living out of a suitcase as a live-in organizer.

Twice a month, I volunteer with “Starts with One Today,” a non profit on Skid Row, personally distributing clothing and essentials from my clients to those less fortunate.